Susan Herbert – Project Manager

After a long history, dating from the late 1970s, of non-qualified positions and placements at SRFT, including Chemical Pathology Laboratory Susan Herbert1Assistant & Catering Assistant, pre-nursing course & health access course placements, Susan qualified as an Occupational Therapist in 1994 and was employed at SRFT from 1994-95, gaining experience in acute medicine.

From 1995 onwards, Susan moved into the community and worked as a Community Occupational Therapist for the city of Salford; gaining experience supporting physically disabled people of all ages to adapt and live as independently as possible through the provision of equipment and major adaptations, such as stairlifts and ceiling track hoists.

In 2007, an opportunity came to develop a telecare service and Susan became the Telecare Coordinator, gaining experience in service design, project management and operational running of the service.

From 2014 onwards, as part of the Integrated Care Programme, Susan was seconded to the post of Assistive Technologies Project Manager with a remit of exploring the value of telehealth products – specifically a text messaging service known as Flo – from a community perspective, gaining experience in a variety of telehealth and telemedicine technologies.

Contact details:    0161 607 7135