Welcome to the event blog for: Our journey to an Integrated Health & Social Care System, held on Tuesday 7 March 2017 at The Lowry, Salford Quays.
This learning experience will showcase how we’ve come together as a partnership to improve system outcomes, hosted for staff working in statutory organisations who are working together to design their integrated care journey. In our live event review, see the updates as they happen and catch up with what you may have missed. You can follow updates from the day on via twitter @SalfordTogether and #SalfordTogether.
The event today will be an interactive learning event with a variety of topics and speakers. Participants are invited today to understand our journey, to celebrate the work so far and set direction for the future.
9:30a.m. Jack Sharp, Executive Director of Service Strategy and Development at Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust opens the event welcoming attendees and setting out our aims for the day. Throughout the day, participants are encouraged to use the Haelo app to engage, join votes and pose questions to speakers. Using the app, pictured below, we can see a good variety of professionals in the room that will not only benefit from the event but that we can learn from.
Jim Taylor, City Director at Salford Council introduces Salford and why we are leading the way in providing integrated care for our citizens.
The short film takes us into our first session, the history of our partnership, our older people’s work and the development of our integrated care system.
Jack begins be introducing our partners, Salford City Council, NHS Salford Clinical Commissioning Group, Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust and Greater Manchester West Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust and the system in which we operate within Greater Manchester. The Salford borough, like many boroughs, balances between areas of deprivation and areas of transformation and technology, including where we are today in Salford Quays.
Jack introduces a second film with Anthony Hassall, Chief Accountable Officer at Salford CCG who puts a spotlight on our vision for Salford and how we’re going to deliver it.
Next up, Karen Proctor, Director of Commissioning Salford CCG sets the scene on the partnership approach for improving older peoples care in Salford Older People’s Programme and Joint Initiatives. You can find out more about older people’s involvement on our website. Karen introduces ‘Sally’, a fiction resident developed for the older people’s programme, who is based on their ‘critical friends’, a group of older citizens who support the programme being consulted from care demands and access, to brand development and use of technology. This approach has allowed them to be open and transparent with older people.
Karen hands over to Jenny Walton, GP Commissioner who explores person-centred focus and ‘Sally’ concept. This idea influenced personalised shared care planning, with Sally at the centre.
A multi disciplinary group (MDG) is a number of health and social care professionals working together, you can find out more about MDGs on our website here. MDG’s promote strong community engagement and focus on an asset based approach. See a short clip below with Val Edwards, Nursing Team Leader and stall holder today for MDGs.
We caught up with Jenny after her session.
Ian Ashworth, Consultant in Public Health at Salford City Council is next to present Place based planning for Salford: Aligning our plans for our locality. Building on the Integrated Care Programme, Ian talks through programmes within the system. Despite it’s strengths, Salford has a lot of challenges. Ian explains that we must work together as a system to solve those problems and not leave it up to Salford Together.
Ian passes to Jennifer McGoven, Assistant Director of Integrated Commissioning, hosted by the City Council. Jennifer details the commissioning arrangement and the context.
Using the app, Jack is back to the front to pick up questions being submitted via the app throughout the morning session.
The first question is posed to Jennifer: “What political challenges have we experienced in developing integrated care and how we overcame them.” Jennifer answers that democratic accountability was of greatest concern to elected members. They brought elected members on board by getting them to understand that we all have the same vision, we’re all in the same boat together in terms of resident and patient focus.
The second question is posed to June Roberts: “How does the integrated care programme engage with people under 65?” June explains this topic will be covered after the break but that one of our key themes is working with adults with long term conditions. We’ll be using the IHI Breakthrough Series Collaborative Model to address this.
10.45a.m. It’s time for a coffee break and networking opportunities. We have a fabulous marketplace set up today with a variety of services and programmes that we support. Attendees can find out more about how we work collaboratively with these teams.
Back from the break, the next session is about the procedures we put in place to continue our integrated journey, but first we hear from David Dalton, Chief Executive at Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust, on the true partnership working in Salford and how these people working together with a common aim are making great progress.
Jack hands over to Chris Evans, Managing Director of Salford Health and Social Care, who highlights a the particular importance of Salford Together to him growing up in Salford with his friends and family. Chris’s session today is on the Integrated Care Organisation (ICO) and their transformation journey to this point. We caught up with Chris in the break:
Next up, Bernie Enright, Divisional Director of Social Care at Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust is at the front of the room to talk about Culture and organisational development in the Integrated Care Organisation. Bernie stresses staff are ‘our most valuable asset and the needs of Salford residents are at the heart of everything they do’ and we need to support them.
You can find out more about Bernie in our ‘five minutes with…’ interview feature here.
Alison Harris leads the next session on Mental Health Perspective, Consultant Clinical Psychologist at Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust. During the session we heard from Bev Humphrey, we heard from Bev Humphrey, Chief Executive, Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust who highlighted the importance of having mental health as part of ICO.
This leads us to a Salford Primary Care Together session with Neil Turton, Chief Executive at Salford Primary Care Together (SPCT), which you can find out more information about SPCT on our web page.
Before we close for the break, June Roberts, Head of Service Transformation and Innovation delivers Transformation Plans – Our Priorities. June presents the care model developed for Adults, designed on the deep citizen engagement we saw with Sally Ford. You can find out more about June in our short interview.
Jack Sharp returns to close before lunch with Next Steps – Developing an Accountable Care System.
12.15 a.m. Lunch break and networking.
1:15 p.m. After the break, attendees split into six groups for workshops. The first room of three groups cover business case, contracting/legal and finance. The second room are discussing organisational development, workforce/HR and joint commissioning and governance. After 45 minutes the groups swap rooms to continue the idea of shared learning.
3.45p.m. Tara Kearney, SRFT Consultant and Chair of the Division of Salford Health and Social Care takes to the stage to reflect on a fantastic day packed with learning and information.
The room is reminded how we discussed how the Salford Together partnership has been working together as an integrated system, now working towards becoming an accountable care system.
Tara said: “We felt strongly that vision and strategy will focus our path, but we need outcomes, and to understand where we’re going to get to. All within our capabilities.”
The depth of experience we all hold in addition to the trust and relationships we’ve built, are imperative to delivering this programme. Tara continues “Leadership is important, but what’s probably more important is engaging people to get involved in our projects. Creating the right culture, getting service users, patients and residents engaged to suggest ideas.”
Moving forward, the room are encouraged to focus less on what we did and more on how we’ve done it, to support our move onto the next step in our journey.
4.00p.m. A huge thank you to our speakers, facilitators and attendees today.